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Safe Flea Relief

Everyone who has a senior dog knows how hard it is to find good products that aren’t hard on an older body. From food that is gentle for their sensitive tummies, and shampoos that don’t irritate their skin, to medicines that don’t weaken their organs, it’s a challenge to say the least.

My little man, Ghostie, is no exception. He is 14, has one eye, no hearing, and is starting to show signs of dementia and anxiety, so not adding any chemicals to his body was really important to me. Unfortunately, no matter how clean the vet’s office is, a flea always seems to manage to take a ride home with us. My challenge was to find a product that the fleas have not evolved to be immune to, and that would be the least harmful to his aging body. After reviewing pills, topicals, and collars, Seresto was the clear winner. This collar is easy to use, lightweight, waterproof, does not have a strong odor or greasy feel, and really gets rid of those pesky fleas. My little Ghostie did not have any issues with it whatsoever, and I was thrilled to have found a product that was safe for him. Being that it was so gentle on this elderly man, I would highly recommend it for dogs of any age.

Find Seresto Flea Collar for Dogs on Amazon HERE.

Just a regular heading

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Nulla facilisi. Praesent diam leo, dapibus ultricies porta in, tincidunt eget augue. Curabitur rutrum maximus lacus, ut scelerisque ipsum porttitor et. In non fringilla justo. Pellentesque venenatis suscipit lacus. Sed non laoreet elit. Fusce vel tellus vulputate, dignissim turpis sit amet, aliquet mi. Etiam elementum, massa et fermentum viverra, odio ipsum gravida metus, at interdum tellus est eget mi.

” Etiam convallis faucibus elit, a viverra elit pellentesque eu. Maecenas tincidunt diam eu efficitur tincidunt. Morbi semper ipsum sit amet nibh maximus, sit amet tincidunt odio pulvinar. 


Praesent nulla facilisi. Praesent diam leo, dapibus ultricies porta in, tincidunt eget augue. Curabitur rutrum maximus lacus, ut scelerisque ipsum porttitor et. In non fringilla justo. Pellentesque venenatis suscipit lacus. Sed non laoreet elit. Fusce vel tellus vulputate, dignissim turpis sit amet, aliquet mi. Etiam elementum, massa et fermentum viverra, odio ipsum gravida metus, at interdum tellus est eget mi.

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