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Relief from Infected Gums

Let me tell you about the love of my life.  He’s an amazing listener, a wonderful cuddler, and he is always there for me.  Not only do we share happiness every day, but this little, old, silly, adorable, white, shaggy pup with one eye, no hearing, and very stinky breath led me to one of my most favorite, tried and true products.  It happened over the Christmas holiday, when I noticed he was eating his food oddly with his head turned sideways.  I looked in his mouth, and sure enough, he had a red, swollen area on his gums.  The vet’s offices were closed, so I turned to the source of all knowledge these days.  As I googled natural remedies for infected gums, one product seemed to stand out on all of the sites; Oil of Oregano.  Turns out, it’s antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties are pretty amazing.  One tiny dab of it on his gums before he went to bed and if I didn’t see it myself, I wouldn’t have believed it.  It was gone in the morning!  Since then, I, as well as my sisters, have used this and we’re still amazed at how well it works.  It’s a definite “must have” for any household.

Find Oil of Oregano on Amazon HERE